Granum for budgies 600g

Granum for budgies 600g
1,96 EUR
1,75 EUR excl. VAT
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Monday 10.6
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Friday 7.6
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Balanced and very tasty food made from high-quality ripe berries and seeds, enriched with vitamin granules with iodine and calcium. Its composition is very close to the diet that birds take in the wild. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are in optimal proportions. Birds feeding this feed are in optimal condition, more resistant to disease, have the correct pigmentation and feather shine. Iodine contained in vitamin granules protects the thyroid gland.


Ingredients: cereals and seeds, by-products of plant origin, minerals, vitamins A, D3, E1, B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, potassium iodide K1, CuO. With dye E 102.